Nebbie's Naturals, Thenaturalsalons.com
Nebbie’s Naturals

Nebbie’s Naturals
Highlighting the natural beauty in you.

Pricing Menu

Hair/extensions are included in the pricing
*Large box braids-- start @ $170 (taking approx. 2- 2.5 hrs)
*Medium box braids--start @ $200 (taking approx. 3-3.5 hours)
*Medium goddess box braids--start @ $230 (taking 3-3.5 hours)
*Small box braids start @ $250 + cost of hair (taking approx 3.5-4 hours)
Micro braids-- start @ $260 (taking approx 3-3.5 hours)
At thenaturalsalons.com, braids don’t take as long. Working with people, who value their time.

Blow Out
Includes wash and condition, using Decca Plus ph balancing products.

Loc retwist or interlocking
From $75
This process includes a wash & conditioning, using Decca Plus products. The roots are tightened, using an interlocking tool, along with palm rolling.

Cornrows/feed-in braids/stich braids
From $50 (no hair added)From $75 (with hair added)
At Nebbie’s Naturals, cornrows, stitch braids and feed-in braids are available services.

Faux locs
Starting @ $295 (approx 4 hours)
Your hair is braided, with hair added and then wrapped over, creating the illusion of a locs. This comes in the form of goddess locs, butterfly locs, and a natural-looking lock extensions.

Two-strand-twists starting @ $65 (approx 1.5 hrs)Nubian twists starting @ $180 (approx 2.5 hrs)Passion twists starting @ $190 (approx 3 hours)Senegalese twists starting @ $175 (approx 3 hours)Bomb twists starting @ $180 (approx 2.5 hours)Kinky twists starting @ $180 (approx 3 hours)
There are so many different types of twist, with the name changing, depending on the type of hair used

Silk press
From $65
A silk press is perfect for those that want to keep their natural curl pattern, but have the option to wear their hair straight. Using Decca products and bio-iconic moisturizing heat technology your hair loves.

Braid Takedown
Starts @ $65
This can be an all day, stressful process, on your own, but typically takes 1 hour here, saving so much time & frustration!
By appointment only
M-F: 9am-6pm